Endpoint: /coin
Used for Florida Realtors Coin Page.
Get All Coins
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/coin/getallcoins
Parameter Type
Response: SUCCESS
    "data": [
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Register Coin
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/coin/registercoin
Parameter Type
realtorid (required) string
coinNumber (required) string
fromid (required) string
fromFirst (required) string
fromLast (required) string
receivedDate (MM/DD/YYYY) (required) string
note (required, can be blank) string
Response: SUCCESS

On failure to update, returns:

Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details