Endpoint: /committee
Used for committee sign up project.
Delete Nomination
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/committee/deletenomination
Parameter Type
nominationID (required) string
Response: SUCCESS
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Event Registration Member Lookup
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/committee/eventregmemberlookup
Parameter Type
lastName (required)(can be blank) string
firstName (required)(can be blank) string
memberOnlyFlag (required)(set to 'true' for memberOnlyLookup, left blank or any other value will use general lookup) string
Response: SUCCESS
        "ID": {ID},
        "COMPANY": {COMPANY},
        "EMAIL": {EMAIL},
        "FAX": {FAX},
        "ADDRESS": {ADDRESS},
        "CITY": {CITY},
        "STATE": {STATE},
        "ZIP": {ZIP},
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Get All Meetings
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/committee/getallmeetings
Parameter Type
Response: SUCCESS
        "TITLE": {TITLE},
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Get Board Certified Professionals
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/committee/getboardcertpros
Parameter Type
Response: SUCCESS
        "ID": {ID},
        "FIRST_NAME": {FIRST_NAME}},
        "LAST_NAME": {LAST_NAME},
        "HOME_CITY": {HOME_CITY},
        "HOME_ZIP": {HOME_ZIP},
        "WEBSITE": {WEBSITE}
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Get Board Name
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/committee/getboardname
Parameter Type
boardID (required) string
Response: SUCCESS
        "boardName": {boardName}
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Get Candidate By Nomination
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/committee/getcandidate
Parameter Type
year (required) string
voterID (required) string
candidateID (required) string
Response: SUCCESS
        "ID": "ID",
        "recordID": {recordID},
        "lastName": {lastName},
        "middleName": {middleName},
        "firstName": {firstName},
        "committeeCode": {committeeCode},
        "committeeDescription": {committeeDescription},
        "committeeYear": {committeeYear},
        "committeePosition": {committeePosition},
        "nominationSource": {nominationSource},
        "qualifications": {qualifications},
        "priority": {priority}
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Get Committee Confirmeds
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/committee/getcommitteeconfirmeds
Parameter Type
memberid (required) string
Response: SUCCESS
        "SOURCE": {SOURCE},
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Get Committee Member History
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/committee/getcommmemberhistory
Parameter Type
ID (required) string
Response: SUCCESS
        "ID": {ID},
        "END_DATE": {END_DATE},
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Get IMIS ID for Board
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/committee/getimisidforboard
Parameter Type
boardID (required) string
Response: SUCCESS
        "id": {id}
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Get Meetings by Code
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/committee/getmeetingbycode
Parameter Type
functionCode (required) string
Response: SUCCESS
        "TITLE": {TITLE},
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Get Member
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/committee/getmember
Parameter Type
ID (required) string
Response: SUCCESS
        "id": {id},
        "firstName": {firstName},
        "lastName": {lastName},
        "menberType": {menberType},
        "licenseNo": {licenseNo},
        "company": {company},
        "email": {email},
        "workPhone": {workPhone},
        "fax": {fax},
        "Address": {Address},
        "city": {city},
        "state": {state},
        "zip": {zip},
        "boardName": {boardName}
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Get Member Data
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/committee/getmemberdata
Parameter Type
memberid (required) string
Response: SUCCESS
        "ID": {ID},
        "LAST_NAME": {LAST_NAME},
        "FULL_NAME": {FULL_NAME},
        "PHONE": {PHONE},
        "FAX": {FAX},
        "E_MAIL": {E_MAIL},
        "ADDRESS_1": {ADDRESS_1},
        "ADDRESS_2": {ADDRESS_2},
        "CITY": {CITY},
        "STATE": {STATE},
        "ZIP_CODE": {ZIP_CODE},
        "NOTE": {NOTE},
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Get Member Meetings
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/committee/getmembermeetings
Parameter Type
TLN_ID (required) string
Response: SUCCESS
        "ID": {ID},
        "TITLE": {TITLE},
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Get Nominations by Voter
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/committee/getnominationsbyvoter
Parameter Type
year (required) string
ID (required) string
Response: SUCCESS
        "ID": {ID},
        "voterName": {voterName},
        "boardName": {boardName},
        "cityName": {cityName}
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Get Primary Board
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/committee/getprimaryboard
Parameter Type
ID (required) string
Response: SUCCESS
        "BOARD_ID": {BOARD_ID},
        "company": {company}
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Get Schedule
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/committee/getschedule
Parameter Type
Response: SUCCESS
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Lookup IMIS Record By Name
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/committee/lookupimisrecordbyname
Parameter Type
lastName (required) string
firstName (required) string
Response: SUCCESS
        "id": {id},
        "lastFirstName": {lastFirstName},
        "city": {city},
        "boardName": {boardName}
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Nominate Candidate
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/committee/nominate
Parameter Type
voterID (required) string
candidateID (required) string
recordID (required) string
effectiveDate (required) string
committeeYear (required) string
committeeCode (required) string
qualifications (required) string
committeePosition (required) string
priorityCode (required) string
candidateName (required) string
nominationSource (required) string
Response: SUCCESS
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Update Member Acceptance
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/committee/updatememberacceptance
Parameter Type
acceptedDate (required) string
declinedDate (required) string
comments (required) string
memberid (required) string
Response: SUCCESS

On failure to update, returns:

Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Update Member Profile
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/committee/updatememberprofile
Parameter Type
firstName (required) string
middleName (required) string
lastName (required) string
fullName (required) string
sortedDesignations (required) string
address1 (required) string
address2 (required) string
city (required) string
state (required) string
zipcode (required) string
officePhone (required) string
cellPhone (required) string
faxNumber (required) string
email (required) string
dateTime (required) string
memberid (required) string
Response: SUCCESS

On failure to update, returns:

Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details