Endpoint: /photos
Used for member and logo photo upload.
Get Photo URL
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/photos/getphotourl
Parameter Type
realtorid (required) string (numbers only)
type (optional, photo or logo, defaults to photo) string
Response: SUCCESS
    "URL": {URL}


If no photo is found:
    "URL": ""
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Upload Photo
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/photos/uploadphoto
Parameter Type
type (required) (currently only support 'photo' and 'logo' type) string
realtorid (required) string
file (required) file
Response: SUCCESS
    "STATUS": "success"
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details