Endpoint: /profile
Florida Realtors Member/Office Profile pages.
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/profile/details
Parameter Type
id (required, prepended with 'M' or 'F') string
Response: SUCCESS
    "REALTOR_ID": {REALTOR_ID}, (Individual information is for DR on Firm Details Search)
    "NRDS_ID": {NRDS_ID},
    "EMAIL": {EMAIL},
    "FIRM_ID": {FIRM_ID},
    "ADDRESS_1": {ADDRESS_1},
    "ADDRESS_2": {ADDRESS_2},
    "CITY": {CITY},
    "STATE": {STATE},
    "ZIP4": {ZIP4},
    "FAX_NO": {FAX_NO},
    "ABOUT": {ABOUT},
    "SOCIAL": {
        "TYPE": {URL},
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/profile/update
Parameter Type
id (required, w/ prefix) string
languages (required, comma separated language codes) string
specialties (required, comma separated specialty codes) string
market_areas (required, comma separated city codes) string
designations (required, comma separated designation codes) string
about (required) string
education (required) string
service_areas (required) string
experience (required) string
website (required) string
Response: SUCCESS
    same as details
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Update Socials
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/profile/updatesocials
Parameter Type
realtor_id (required, no prefix) string
SOCIAL_MEDIA_TYPE (optional) string, multiple, param name is social media type, value is URL. Valid types FACEBOOK/INSTAGRAM/LINKEDIN/TIKTOK/TWITTER/YOUTUBE. Send none to clear social media values for user.


Response: SUCCESS
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Get Cities
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/profile/getcities
Parameter Type
Response: SUCCESS
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Get Zip Codes
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/profile/getzipcodes
Parameter Type
Response: SUCCESS
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Get Specialties
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/profile/getspecialties
Parameter Type
Response: SUCCESS
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Get Languages
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/profile/getlanguages
Parameter Type
Response: SUCCESS
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details
Get Designations
Request: POST
POST https://api-dev.floridarealtors.org/profile/getdesignations
Parameter Type
Response: SUCCESS
Response: ERROR
Error Code Error Type
401 Unauthorized Access Denied
400 Bad Request Missing Required Parameter
See Exception Documentation for more details